Greenwashing: Strategic Concepts

In this comprehensive course on "Greenwashing: Strategic Concepts," participants will delve into the intricacies of deceptive environmental marketing practices. Through an engaging and immersive learning experience, students will gain a strong foundation in understanding what greenwashing entails, its implications, and the strategies employed by companies to mislead consumers. With a focus on strategic concepts, this course aims to equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively identify, critically analyze, and navigate through greenwashing campaigns. Through real-world case studies,  participants will explore various industry sectors where greenwashing is prevalent. Moreover, this course will delve into the ethical considerations surrounding greenwashing, discussing its impact on sustainability efforts, consumer trust, and corporate social responsibility. 


60 min




€ 39,90


Alice Khouri


Sessions Completed

Hours watched

Alice Khouri

Head of Legal at Helexia and also main Founder of the civic initiative Women in ESG Portugal, a civic initiative that, through a methodology, aims to shed light on the expertise of the underrepresented gender and accelerate the ESG journey in companies with equality. Alice is a Lawyer with a master’s in public law and PhD (thesis stage) in Legal and Economic Sciences at the University of Lisbon. Her practice has been focused on economic regulated markets such as energy, renewables, energy transition, sustainability and ESG. She is also Researcher at the University of Lisbon and NOVA Law School of Lisbon. Author of books and many legal papers. Alice teaches in several institutions and is also the coordinator of the LLM in Energy Law and Business in the Electricity Sector at CEDIN.