The legal place Business

More than Law.
Your Business.

Create custom content for your teams even beyond strictly legal knowledge. Use avatar technology to create engaging videos, develop L&D or simply reach new client.

All-in-one place.

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Your Business Place.

Your Company.
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All Place Courses

Access all Legal Place courses. You can also add your in-house knowledge, such as onboarding or internal courses, with private courses only for you.

Complex Analytics

Run complex analytics on how your teams learn and progress. Have routine reports with the most important metrics for Human Resources managment.

Custom Works

Build your own Videos or even convert papers, pdfs, reports or any document with a dazzling avatar video.

Beyond the Law

Some of our clients come from other sectors such as medicine, pharma, dispute resolution and even philosophy!
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Some of our Corporate Clients

A growing community changing the way their teams learn.


Welcome to Law Firm XYZ Onboarding for Interns

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